Traditional Rolls and Stripsterzi2019-03-01T15:33:04+00:00EpilbandyEpilbandy, since 1985 the best-selling epilation material in the world 100% made in ItalyDiscover the products Epilation roll BANDY ROLL 80 g/m², 80 mt Epilation roll BANDY ROLL PLUS 90 g/m², 80 mt Epilation roll BANDY ROLL EXTRA 100 g/ m², 80 mt Epilbox, EPILBANDY epilation strips extra 90 g/m², 22 cm, dispenser of 455 strips Epilation strips FLYING, 22 cm, box 50 pieces Epilation strips EPILBANDY 80 g/m², 22 cm, box 100 pieces Epilation strips EPILBANDY PLUS 90 g/m², 22 cm, box 100 pieces Epilation strips EPILBANDY EXTRA 100 g/m², 22 cm, box 100 pieces Epilation strips EPILBANDY 80 g/m², 22 cm, box 250 pieces Epilation strips EPILBANDY PROFESSIONAL, 22 cm, box 200 pieces